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Designing a Website and SEO

Posted by Dwight Gardner on

Most web designing companies in Essex will create something that might not be designed to get the most out of your website. They might flash you with flashy graphics and phrases, but that isn’t the strategy that will help you achieve your main goal – which is generally getting more customers, more revenue and more profit for your company. When you set out with your initial meeting with an Essex website design company web design company it is important to know what to expect from them. You can do this by making sure your cover a number of various factors that you would want to see achieved with your website and its exposure to the search engines, which are:

Style: The website should convey a certain message that is reflective of your own business goals and targets. Flash animations can be used in specific niches, professions such as architects, or interior designers for instance, as the images will reflect their own persona. You will find that a flash page is usually found on the home pages of a website, but not used too much as this could overwhelm any visitors your website receives.

Function: Before you reach out to a website design company, always make sure you have a solid reason as to why the website was created in the first place. Should to be used for lead generation? Informational purposes, perhaps personal or the majority of time it will be business related, so that the main aim of the website is to have more potential clients call them. If the website is to be a personal one, remember that the website will reflect your personality and be appropriate for your main target audience. If the website is for a business, then the marketing agency should be using their search engine optimization knowledge to try and maximize your websites exposure to as main keywords as possible which will reach as many individuals as possible.

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO: The Essex website and SEO company should have someone in their team who is adept at SEO, at least enough to know how to use keywords correctly, so that the search engines are able to detect which keywords the website is targeting. And by doing this you will find that the search engines are able to locate your website and publish it towards the internet users who are looking for those services. Make sure they conduct content SEO in a natural way, so that all the content on the website appears natural and that it is highly readable, without apparent keyword stuffing, so that the main keywords that have been targeted have not been excessively used.

Browser Compatibilities: Your website may look great on a single server and a browser such as chrome, how do you know that the website will look and operate exactly the same across ALL browsers? It is, therefore, pertinent to make sure the code used is compatible with all other popular web browsers, which are; Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Netscape.

Maintenance:  When starting a website and SEO campaign, it is imperative to think about the future goals of the website. Who is going to maintain the website in the future? Say, if the Essex website design and SEO company were to cease trading or perhaps move abroad and their services become harder to use or contact? What then? In the long-term it might be prudent to make sure you, or a member of staff gain sufficient knowledge in SEO, so that if they were to part ways with you, your business will be able to continue operating your website to get visitors.

But how do you find a suitable website designing company in the first place? Easy, use Google! If they are a good SEO company then they should be at least ranked on page 1 for the following term “web development Essex”or “web designers in Essex”.